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Sprint Values Excellence Award

I was awarded the Sprint Values Excellence Award as the Chief Editor and contributing writer for a large-scale project--the complete re-write of Sprint's Architectural Guide. The Architectural Guide provided guidelines for all Sprint Corporate Real Estate employees and contractors who worked for Sprint to follow when building, retrofitting, and/or maintaining all Sprint owned and leased buildings for all business units across the entire country.



I authored and published a 76-page book entitled, "Career Transition Tailored to Your Best Asset--YOU!" The book is designed to help people find their true selves, to give job seekers in transition confidence in themselves and their talents, and I wrote the book to fully encourage people in career transition to have the courage to unleash their uniqueness on the world. The book also provides practical resources and advice to help people who are in transition, as that is an exceptionally difficult time for people.


Riley Woodson Awards

The three years I was a Unit Leader in the Marketing Department at Black & Veatch the department received three consecutive annual Riley Woodson Awards for its products, services, and operational methods.


Parker Productions

I founded, owned, and operated my own company for a decade called Parker Productions that offered writing, editing, and marketing communications services.


Visiting Instructor

I was selected to be a writing instructor at Communiversity, the adult education/continuing education branch of the University of Missouri--Kansas City (UMKC).  The class was extended due to demand.


Hallmark Cards

I worked a contract in the Marketing Studio Department of Hallmark Cards. The department was so pleased with my performance and the results I produced that the contract was extended three times.


Kansas City Job Seekers

I am the founder and manager of Kansas City Job Seekers, a group that helps the unemployed, underemployed, and those in career transition through the difficulties faced by those circumstances. The group also helps people land employment or start entrepreneurial ventures.  I  started the group in 2008.



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